Evaluation of Data for Foundational Learning (D4FL) Programme
The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has issued a Direct Award under the terms of Lot 4 Global Evaluation and Monitoring Framework Agreement (GEMFA) for the Evaluation of Data for Foundational Learning (D4FL) Programme. The purpose of this Contract is to provide an evaluation of the D4FL programme that will provide both learning and accountability. Overall, the objective is to assess the extent to which the design and implementation of D4FL supports its Theory of Change, specifically the two Outcomes: - More LICs and MICs report internationally using comparable and disaggregated data on learning, including in emergency contexts. - More state capability to regularly use disaggregated learning data so more governments and teachers implement and monitor interventions to improve foundational learning for all in priority countries. Following further evaluation, the direct award was awarded to Mokoro Limited.
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1 Possible Competitors