Evaluation of impact of Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) interventions to reduce the risk of harm to vulnerable groups of people by winter pressures
PHE has committed to supporting 3 pilots to test specific interventions by the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS). These interventions will be developed to support a reduction in social isolation, a reduction in falls and a reduction in the impact of cold homes for adults identified as at risk of winter-related illnesses The pilots will develop, test and evaluate a model of addressing these concerns with a particular focus on access to data including data to identify vulnerable people and to monitor impact; intervening at scale and developing an integrated approach to optimising fire and rescue service resource to minimise winter pressures in vulnerable populations. We are looking for a supplier who can evaluate: - the impact of the interventions - the return on investment - the components of an intervention which drives success - whether the areas above are different in different FRS areas and what influences those differences e.g. risk profile, capacity, delivery models. The supplier will need to complete their evaluation and produce a draft report by 30 June 2016 and a final report by 31 July 2016. Supplers should note that all the data will not be available until 31 March 2016 when the interventions cease. PHE is aware that this requirement may need suppliers with different skills so is going to be open to bids which include one organisaion, probably in a prime-subcontractor relationship.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85322000 - Community action programme
85323000 - Community health services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors