Evaluation of Lend & Mend Hubs
The key aims of the evaluation are: Collect and analysis the experiences of library staff and key stakeholders in the development and implementation of the 9 lend and mend spaces. Explore the contribution the spaces and education programme are making to local communities through public user engagement. Engage with key stakeholders to evaluate their experiences of working with SLIC. Explore models for a sustainable future for the lend and mend spaces including considerations for how to ensure existing spaces remain viable and how expansion of the network may be realised. Demonstrate the impact the spaces are having on understanding of the circular economy and changing attitudes to consuming more sustainably. Specifically, the evaluation should focus on: The qualitative feedback of 9 project partner organisations who are hosts for lend and mend hubs. The qualitative feedback of partner organisations involved in development of the spaces and delivery of the education element of the project. The user experience of the public using the hubs. The understanding of the hub users in relation to the circular economy The benefits delivered to local communities including but not limited to improved skills, improved access to resources, support to live more sustainability, impact on cost of living. The sustainability of the hubs in terms of their continued success once formal funding has ended. Recommendations led by staff, stakeholders, and users on future requirements of existing spaces and potential expansion of the network including appetite.
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CPV Codes
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors