Evaluation of the Co-producing for Sustainability Programme
Programme for Government sets out the current priorities for long-term strategies, policies and legislation within the Welsh Government. The Programme for Government makes commitments to: ‘legislate to make sustainable development the central organising principle of the Welsh Government and public bodies in Wales’ and to: ‘protect and enhance ecosystems by developing an integrated approach to ecosystem health through implementation of the Natural Environment Framework’.A key element of sustainable development is how we change our own behaviours and cultures for the better. This aspect is being to be taken forward within government through a corporate change programme; co-producing for sustainability.We are developing a new approach to managing the environment and natural resources in Wales. This is the largest change programme that the Directorate for Environment (supported by the other directorates) has undertaken. It includes the creation of a new single body (Natural Resources Wales) to manage and maintain the natural resources of Wales as well as consideration of how we make future decisions about all the demands that we put on our natural resources.The evaluation of co-producing for sustainability will collect and collate relevant evidence in order to provide appropriate continuous feedback and formal reporting to the department corporate change programme.The objective of the evaluation of co-producing for sustainability are to:- Evaluate the change programme;- Use the evaluation as a case study to increase understanding of co-production as a tool for sustainable policy creation;- Use the feedback to support and inform development of effective ways of engaging ourselves and others in co-productive policy development and delivery;- Identify practical ways of overcoming barriers to change;- Capture best practice/learning that can increase wider understanding and application of this or other research to support the development of integrated delivery of social, environmental and economic benefits.NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. Please note this is a separate website and if you are not already registered, registration will be required.To access eTenderwales, express your interest in this notice and access the tender documentation please visit and search for PQQ/ITT code 41284 within the appropriate area.
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1 Possible Competitors