Evaluation of the Dementia Action Plan for Wales 2018-2022
The Welsh Government is seeking to commission a rigorous and independent evaluation in order to assess the aims, implementation and impact of the Dementia Action Plan for Wales 2018-2022, which set out the vision for Wales to be a dementia friendly nation that recognises the rights of people with dementia to feel valued and to live as independently as possible in their communities. The evaluation will focus principally on assessing the contribution of the Dementia Action Plan to delivering the vision and aims for Dementia care in Wales, with particular regard to the development of a Team Around the Individual (TAI) approach to providing support for people with Dementia and their families and carers.A key component of the evaluation will involve capturing the views and experiences of people with Dementia, their families and carers with respect to their capacity and confidence to self-care and of the person-centred and flexible care and support they should expect to receive, particularly with regards to reviewing the role and impact of the TAI model of care and support and the Dementia Support Worker.The main objectives of the evaluation are as follows:•To assess the contribution that the Dementia Action Plan has made to maximising the opportunities for people to live as well as possible for as long as possible, and as independently in their own communities;•To identify gaps in the existing data that need to be filled to strengthen the contribution assessment, and;•To capture the views and experiences of people with dementia, their families and carers with respect to assessing the role and impact of the Team Around the Individual model of care and support and the Dementia Support Worker.Bidders will be expected to set out the detail of their proposed methodological approach, bearing in mind the indicative cost outline for this study. Bidders will also expected to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the ethical considerations applicable to the study and a track record of undertaking research with vulnerable groups. It is anticipated that bidders will consider appropriate methods and means to engage and involve people with dementia, their families and carers in the design, data collection and dissemination of the evaluation.For further information about the requirements, please contact nina.prosser@gov.walesNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
79310000 - Market research services
73110000 - Research services
73210000 - Research consultancy services
79315000 - Social research services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors