Evaluation of the Shared Outcomes Fund 'Offshore Wind Enabling Actions Programme
The aims of this project are to procure some social research and evidence analysis to support the application of the Offshore Wind Enabling Actions Programme (OWEAP), this includes: o Develop a practical, robust evaluation framework which includes project and programme specific Key Performance Indicators and demonstrates how impact will be measured and causation established. o Reveal key learning from implementing the four OWEAP projects (Underwater Noise, Better Data, Net-Gain and Compensation Impacts) with stakeholders. -Focus on the benefits and challenges of collaborative working in the context of Offshore Wind developments. -Focus on the identification of factors which influence, enable or act as barriers to the projects and the overall programme successfully achieving their respective desired outcomes. o Measure the impact of the OWEAP projects against specific outcomes (established in the Theory of Change). o Measure the impact of the OWEAP programme against cross-programme outcomes (established in the Theory of Change). o Assess the programme level impact and delivery of value for money. o Produce dissemination materials for sharing key lessons with ministers, partners, stakeholders, and the public. o Measure to what extent OWEAP has made progress against the desired impacts and programme goal (established in the Theory of Change) and use this information to identify gaps and provide recommendations (including solutions to challenges) for Defra's future involvement in Offshore Wind developments.
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1 Possible Competitors