
Evaluation of the Skillset Cymru Apprenticeship in Creative & Digital Media Pilot


Project Brief for TenderTitle of Project:To evaluate the Skillset Cymru Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media PilotDescription of ContractSkillset Cymru, the Welsh arm of Skillset, the Sector Skills Council for the Creative Media industries (which comprises TV, film, radio, interactive media, animation, computer games, facilities, photo imaging, publishing, advertising and fashion and textiles) seeks to appoint a consultant to evaluate its pilot for the Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media (ACDM). Skillset is the industry body which supports skills and training for people and businesses to ensure the UK creative media industries maintain their world class position. Skillset informs and influences training provision and qualification development for the competitive benefit of the creative media industries and the Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media (ACDM) is a key aspect of this work.The Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media is a pilot programme designed to offer participants full time work placements with creative/digital media companies in Wales. Whilst working, apprentices study at a further education institution and gain qualifications which demonstrate their technical skills and knowledge, and their competence in the workplace.The pilot is funded through the SPFP (The Sector Skills Priority Fund Pilot) and ESF (European Social Fund) which is project managed by the Welsh Assembly Government’s Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS). The pilot is being managed and delivered by Skillset Cymru in conjunction with industry employers and two further education institutions in Wales. Research demonstrates that many candidates applying for new entrant roles within the Creative and Digital Media sector, often lack the required level of vocational skills to enable them to be ‘job ready’ within the industry. Research also indicates that there is a clear need for the creative industries in Wales to up-skill employees and grow the industry from within. The pilot has participants in both North and South Wales, across two FEI sites (Coleg Glan Hafren and Coleg Llandrillo), and the programme has 14 participants (apprentices) placed within a total of 12 companies. The evaluation element of ACDM will run throughout the remaining duration of the pilot from May 2011 to November 2011 with an interim report submitted on the 22nd July 2011 and the final report to be completed by 01st December 2011. The programme is managed by Skillset Cymru and overseen by a steering group comprising a representation of professionals from all partner organisations involved in the pilot, including:- - Skillset Cymru - Coleg Llandrillo- Coleg Glan Hafren- Welsh Assembly Government Apprenticeship Unit- DCELLS (Project Manager) - Colegau Cymru - OCR - Green Bay Media (independent production company)- ITV Wales - CC4 Ltd. (independent production company)Programme Aims – •To ensure that industry is firmly involved in the project development and implementation.•To contribute towards the growth of the creative and digital media sector in Wales by offering talented apprentices to Wales based production companies. •Enable apprentices to secure full time employment in the creative industries in Wales upon completion of the qualification.•To identify colleges and employers who are interested and able to offer the apprenticeship and support partnership building.between them both.•Procure through a transparent and robust process provider(s) and companies to deliver the pilot, and support the subsequent evaluation of it. •Ensure apprentices receive vocational training relevant to their job roles.•Improve the capacity of further education colleges to deliver Apprenticeships which will meet the needs of the creative media industries effectively.•Ensure that the Apprenticeship is sustainable and can be rolled out to FE & Industry across Wales once the pilot has ended.•Develop the qualification with industry and education throughout the life of the pilot to ensure that it is relevant for specific employer needs •Development and production of the programme in the Welsh Language Programme Objectives Programme aims will be achieved through the following objectives:•Establishment of a partnership between Skillset Cymru, FEI institutions and industry to pilot the scheme and establish routes with which to develop and sustain this. •Carry out consultation with industry to test whether the Level 3 Creative & Digital Media Apprenticeship meets their needs and shape the additional components required in multiplatform and the Welsh Language•Create and facilitate a number of employer placements in North and South Wales working with FEI and employers to recruit candidates, ensuring they are committed to providing jobs and paying their wages •Ensuring that post-pilot, the apprentices have a sufficient level of transferable vocational skills that are industry relevant and enhance their employability •Share participants’ experiences of the pilot programme within the sector and promote the achievements of the pilot in industry, public and governmental spheres.•Support participants to gain the confidence and skills to gain continued or further employment in the sector with additional activity. •Support FE & employers in delivery of the programme•Ensure robust systems are in place to support the programme beyond the pilot.•Set up a working group to develop the additional components for the Apprenticeship and agree roles and responsibilities for development •Work closely with the awarding organisation to develop qualification handbooks and submit qualification to CQFW•Embed the new level 3 ‘Preparing to Work’ qualification within FEI’s •Hold an event in collaboration with Colegau Cymru and employer bodies to update/promote the qualification •Provide monthly master class programme whereby apprentices access supplementary industry relevant courses during the pilot in areas the college are unable to deliver.•Work with providers to develop their online facilities related to the apprenticeship•Develop and procure a ‘mentor the mentor’ style training to ensure workplace mentors are equipped to mentor effectively•Work with employers to manage a number of workshops on behalf of employers relating to careers advice and guidance for the apprentice•Hold a ‘lessons learned’ and ‘next stages’ event with providers/employers •Contract the independent evaluation to inform SPF activity from 2011 onwards as described in the ‘Investing in Skills’ consultation Key components of the Apprenticeship in Creative and Digital Media Employer Engagement Ensure employers are involved in informing the qualification from development through to delivery. Implement a process that will determine employer needs and interest with the apprenticeship programme. .FEI Engagement Improve the FE colleges’ capacity to deliver the apprenticeship in Wales and procure through a transparent and robust process, FE colleges who would deliver the pilot, and then determine the best equipped to deliver and facilitate the training. Recruitment of Apprentices In partnership with DCELLS, the FE colleges and employers, develop a recruitment strategy and subsequent evaluation process that enables the pilot to recruit fairly and effectively and reach a wide cross section of prospective applicants. Stakeholder Steering Group To establish a steering group of key stakeholders for the duration and lifetime of the project to steer, advise and shape the set up and ongoing activity of the pilot. Delivery of pilot Ensure smooth delivery of the pilot both with FEI’s and employers, ensuring that placements and training are fulfilling the overall objectives of the pilot through continued monitoring and evaluation, promoting and marketing key successes and milestones.Mentoring, Master classes and continued development Ensure that appropriate mentoring mechanisms are implemented both in the vocational and training elements of the pilot programme so that apprentices are fully supported and monitored effectively.. This will include mentoring for the apprentices and developing a ‘mentor the mentor’ initiative to ensure workplace mentors are equipped with the relevant skills to mentor the apprentice effectively. In addition to this, identify with key partners, effective lines of communication and recognise any areas for additional industry relevant development through Masterclasses to enhance prospects for apprentices. Identify any opportunities for joint/E-learning across Wales and establish these is feasible. Awarding BodiesWork closely with awarding organisations to develop qualification handbooks and submit qualification into CQFW.MarketingEnsure that the ACDM is appropriately marketed through relevant events, press releases, online information and all literature provided for key stakeholders-specifically information for prospective employers is clear accurate and readily available. Exit Strategy and EvaluationDevelop (with FEI & employers) an agreed exit strategy to maximise opportunities for continued employment for apprentices and hold a ‘lessons learned’ and ‘next stages’ event with providers/employers and stakeholders. Evaluate all aspects of the programme on a continuous basis.Sustainability With FEI’s, employers and key stakeholders – determine ways in which to sustain the project beyond the duration of the pilot (post December 2011)EvaluationPurpose The evaluation aims to:•Evaluate the extent to which the pilot delivers to its aims and objectives as listed above.•Evaluate the success of each of the stages outlined in the key components section. •Evaluate both the processes and outcomes associated with the ACDM pilot.•Undertake research to assess the extent to which the programme contributes to the development of a sustainable apprenticeship model in the industry and growth in the Welsh sector.•Evaluate all apprentices’ experience of the pilot and in particular, the extent to which their aspirations are met•Evaluate all employers’ experience of the pilot and in particular, the extent to which their aspirations are met and the extent to which individuals vocational skills have been enhanced through participation in the programme and if these match specific job roles.•Evaluate the FE colleges’ experience of the pilot and in particular, the extent to which their aspirations are met.•Evaluate the two separate work based learning models used in North and South Wales and make recommendations as to how this could be enhanced.•Record the views of stakeholders and partners involved with the project – including the Steering Group and others.•Provide evidence to support recommendations for the continuation and sustainability of the ACDM beyond the pilot phase. Recommendations for sustainability should examine the future funding on the apprenticeship, the best Apprenticeship model to take forward in Wales and any other recommendations that would enhance the qualification moving forward.•Evaluate the ability of the programme to deliver and be evaluated and assessed in the medium of both Welsh & English •Provide an interim report 22nd July 2011 detailing research and findings to date including any recommendations for the duration of the pilot and evaluating methods of communication and E-Learning •Contribute to any broader evaluation of apprenticeships within Skillset-UK wide.


Published Date :

11th Apr 2011 13 years ago

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Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

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Region :

North Region

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Name :

Tina Smith

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Chief Executive Officer

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0151 252 3243

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Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors