Evaluation of the YJB Pilot Resettlement Support Panel Scheme
The research is an evaluation of the Youth Justice Board (YJB) Pilot Resettlement Scheme. The scheme is intended to provide more effective support for young people at risk of a custodial sentence, and, if given a custodial sentence, more effective support on release.The pilot scheme is intended to remedy weaknesses in the existing system, under which young people are often released from custody without suitable accomodation, putting them at a high rsik of re-offending.The 6 pilots, being implemented across Wales, involve multi-agency Resettlement Support Panels (including representation from Education, Housing and Community Safety departments of the Local Authority, and the Police Service, among others), a review body, which examines why the child ended up in custody (only some areas) a resettlement support worker, and a resttlement support plan for each child or young person on the scheme. The pilots are funded from September 2009 until 2011.The aims of the evaluation are to conduct both a process and an outcome evaluation in the 6 pilots across Wales.Contractors will need ability to deliver concise, well written reports, directly addressing the terms of reference given, to deadlines agreed; detailed knowledge of Youth Justice provision in Wales; expertise in conducting outcome evaluations in the criminal justice field; expertise in conducting evaluations of multi-agency interventions, the ability to plan and conduct semi structured interviews, and to analyse robustly, and to carry out a robust quantitative study of matched cases.A budget of not more than £40,000 (ex VAT) is available, but tenderers should be aware that this budget information is for indicative purposes only, and that the client will be seeking to award the contract on the basis of the criteria stated in the specification.
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1 Possible Competitors