EventIMPACTS - Website Update
Background In 2022-23, the Project Partners commissioned a review of EventIMPACTS site with the aim of developing a clear purpose and strategy for the site to maximise its scope, reach and usage. The website has previously been seen as industry leading regarding measuring the impact of events, notably the economic calculator tool. However, since it was last updated in early 2016, knowledge, expertise and best practice across event impact has made significant advances and therefore re-development of the site and its content is required to ensure it remains valuable to event deliverers nationwide. Scope The preferred supplier will be expected to implement the recommendations (full details below, linked to above recommendations) in the refresh and redevelopment of the site. The brief has been split by priority area and related recommendations, as well as by content refreshments and functionality of the site. 1.Ensure constantly up to date tools and best practice for all types of impact, to enable users to have the best chance of funding bids and consequently of events succeeding. Approach: Clarify and simplify content showing what the practical social and environmental impact measures are for different types of events (including cultural and business) and add glossary of terms for relevant data on each page. 2.Update economic calculator and improve guidance for social and environmental impacts. Approach (economic calculator): Add tutorials & user-friendly clarification of definitions of the terms used. 3.Update website to equally reflect cultural and business events. Approach: Adapt language / terminology to indicate minimum KPIs and areas of focus and signpost towards other existing sites, adding case studies relevant to cultural and business events. 4.Enable the website to share benchmark data and case studies. Approach: Create a library of stats and case studies from previous events built up by users voluntarily sharing data and providing users with instructions / criteria for uploading case studies to Whilst we are not anticipating any significant redevelopment work of the site. Any minor fixes, in addition to those referenced in the technical review, that would improve usability of the site recommended by suppliers would be welcomed by the partners. Timings Work should be completed no later than the end of March 2024. Deliverables The primary output from this contract will be the production of a revised online platform and relevant toolkit / content to support event organisers in measuring the impact of hosting events. ********* To express interest in this opportunity, please e-mail The closing date for tender proposals is Friday 17th November (12.00pm).
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1 Possible Competitors