Exhibition Manufacture & Fit-Out at Galway City Museum
Exhibition Manufacture & Fit-Out at Galway City Museum .CÚRAM is the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Medical Devices based at UCG Galway. Its vision is to develop affordable, innovative and transformative device-based solutions to treat global diseases, improving the quality of life for people suffering from chronic illnesses. CÚRAM's research in innovative ‘smart’ medical devices and implants will benefit patients with chronic ailments such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, neural, soft tissue, renal and urology, and respiratory diseases. CÚRAM is a multidisciplinary centre bringing together expertise in biomaterials, drug delivery, tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, glycoscience and device design. CÚRAM collaborates with, and supports industry partners, on projects from basic scientific research through to translational preclinical and clinical development as well as regulatory and commercialisation readiness. To raise awareness of its research, and promote a greater understanding of the impact of its work among the general public, CÚRAM has developed a public engagement programme that forges collaborations between its researchers and the wider community. This is delivered through a variety of STEAM activities and residency programmes for filmmakers, artists and teachers (see separate Design Risk Assessment for details. Exhibits to be manufactured off-site and transported to site for assembly/ installation. Please note that the fit-out period should be kept as short as possible to minimise risk to the general public. The designated exhibition space is a passage way to another exhibition area..The exhibition will be located on the 2nd floor gallery of the Galway City Museum, occupying an approximate floor area of the 94sqm.
Published Date :
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
92521000 - Museum services
92500000 - Library, archives, museums and other cultural services
92521100 - Museum-exhibition services
92520000 - Museum services and preservation services of historical sites and buildings
45212313 - Museum construction work
Status :
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Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors