Expression of Interest for Opportunity for Peer Review of BEIS' International Climate Finance Portfolio's Project Business Cases
This is an Expression of Interest for peer reviews of a full Business Case for programmes under the BEIS International Climate Finance (ICF) Portfolio. Please see 'Background on International Climate Finance (ICF)' section for more information on ICF. We are intending to build a roster of non-UK government contacts within the climate and development field to review ICF Business Cases who will be contacted as appropriate per their expertise. Selection of individuals from this roster will be based on the content submitted in the attached expression of interest form detailing experience and knowledge in a relevant theme the Business Case will include. For further detail on likely thematic focus of BEIS ICF Business Cases please see 'thematic focus' section. If selected to undertake a business case review, the individual/Recipient will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement in which the Discloser intends to disclose information (the Confidential Information) to the Recipient for the purpose. The Recipient undertakes not to use the Confidential Information for any purpose except the Purpose, without first obtaining the written agreement of the Discloser. BEIS's component of the ICF focuses principally on large-scale climate mitigation programmes in countries where climate mitigation potential is greatest - typically middle-income countries (MICs) with high or rapidly growing emissions and forest countries that play a critical role as major carbon sinks. This draws on BEIS's expertise in Net Zero, decarbonisation, clean growth, innovation and carbon markets and remit as the lead Department on climate change mitigation and the UNFCCC negotiations. Some further detail on our likely programming focus over next few years includes: -Energy generation, access, and policy - supporting the global energy transition through innovation, mobilising investment for large-scale deployment and providing technical support for countries to implement the transition. -Agriculture, forestry, and other land use - supporting shift to sustainable land use and zero-deforestation supply chains, addressing key drivers of deforestation. -Carbon markets - Scaling up use of carbon pricing and market mechanisms -Buildings and cities, industry, and transport - Delivering targeted sectoral programmes, focused on innovating and bringing key mitigation technologies to commercial viability. -Private finance, banking and financial services - programming to leverage private investment at scale by removing barriers to financing low-carbon projects. -Government and civil society - Providing technical assistance & capacity building to accelerate climate mitigation. Building strong collaboration with partner governments to identify and respond to their needs. This opportunity to respond is open until June 30th 2023. No contracts are anticipated to be awarded but short paid commissions are anticipated.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75211200 - Foreign economic-aid-related services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors