Expression of Interest for providing care to support a planned Short Term Care Centre for Plymouth
We are seeking to establish the level of market interest in providing care to support a planned Short Term Care Centre for Plymouth. There will always be situations where it is necessary for people to be admitted for periods within an acute setting to meet their immediate health needs. However, unnecessary long-term hospital stays, and some hospital admissions can be avoided by offering a flexible intermediate care service within a community setting. Plymouth City Council and NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group, in partnership with Age UK, Livewell Southwest and NHS University Hospitals Plymouth, plan to redevelop The William & Patricia Venton Centre at Mount Gould in Plymouth into a 24 bed Short Term Care Centre. The service will offer short stay step-up care, providing quick assessment and intervention from community teams to reduce the risk of hospital admission, and step-down care for those medically fit for discharge from inpatient beds but requiring a period of rehabilitation and Reablement to promote independence before returning home. The specification links closely with Pathway 2 [D2A (2)]: short stay supported by a Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and Primary Care for up to 28 days. The service will be delivered by a care provider, based at the 24 bed Short Term Care Centre. The care provider will work closely with Livewell Southwest clinicians and therapists. The Provider will work to latest government guidance related to hospital discharges and any other related guidance.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors