Expressions of Interest for a tender list - The Kedleston Unit - Adaptation and installation of new anti climb barrier
The Trust is looking for Expressions of Interest for tendering for Building services works on our Kingsway Hospital site. The Trust's Kingsway Site comprises of five individual mental health units together with corporate and Estates buildings. The Kedleston Low Secure Unit provides a gender specific low secure service for males who demonstrate disturbed behaviour in the context of a serious mental disorder and who require the provision of security. The works will involve completing the installation of the anti climb barrier. This is a specially fabricated aluminium bull nosed barrier installed at gutter level and gable ends up to four meters from floor level to prevent people climbing on to a roof. The Kedleston Unit has recently had two extensions built and requires the existing anti climb barrier adapting and new anti climb barrier fabricated and installed to complete the protected area.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors