External Quality Assessment IT System
UK NEQAS for H&I currently have no specialist IT system. Participant’s complete results on MS Word based report forms, designed by UK NEQAS for H&I. Completed form are e-mailed or printed and faxed back to UK NEQAS for H&I.All returned information has to be manually entered by UK NEQAS for H&I staff into Excel spreadsheets. This often involves entering large amount of complex information, which is then checked by a second staff member. This process is time consuming and the manual entry of results can lead to errors in the entered data from typos or misinterpretation of handwritten forms. Results have to be manually analysed and individual laboratory performance reports produced using mail merge.The System we require will include but will not be limited to:•Registration of new participants in one or multiple EQA scheme(s)•Annual confirmation of registration of existing participants, through viewing current registration information and editing if required•Registration through a 3rd party ‘agent’•Management of lab contact details•Management of lab finance details•Calculation of scheme fees based on scheme and delivery selections at registration•Test results and method information entry for EQA scheme(s)•Save, submit and view submitted results•View reports and certificates produced by UK NEQAS for H&ICrucial to the system is the need for confidentiality. An individual lab must only ever be able to see their own contact details and performance reports.A specific EQA management system for the UK NEQAS for H&I office is also required to manage information entered by participants. It will also perform some analysis of results for assessment and produce individual laboratory reports.This aspect system will include but is not limited to:•Management of participants, including contact details, schemes registered for, finance information etc•Participant correspondence management•Add/remove/edit fields for participant data entry•Authorising new registration requests and changes by participants•Username and password management for user access to the secure online area•Management of schemes and sample distributions•Participant result management•Basic result analysis (schemes are quantitative e.g. positive/negative)•Result assessment (i.e. comparison of entered results to an entered ‘correct’ result)•Produce individual laboratory reports and certificates•Management of laboratories with ‘unacceptable performance’ (i.e. incorrect results)NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
48900000 - Miscellaneous software package and computer systems
48600000 - Database and operating software package
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors