Extra care - Supported Living Accommodation
Northumberland is the most northerly county in England and covers a large area from the Tyne and Wear conurbation to the Scottish Border. The county covers an area of 400,000 hectares and has a population of 306,000 people living in approximately 130,000 households.Northumberland County Council (the Council) is committed to the development of Extra Care and approved a revised version of the Extra Care and Supported Living Strategy in February 2024. is very limited supply of independent supported living accommodation for older people in Northumberland and the current extra care schemes are in high demand. The Council would like to see more extra care being delivered which can provide homes and support for people with a range of needs, offering an alternative to residential care and sheltered accommodation.The Council is seeking to appoint Registered Providers to design, construct and manage extra care schemes at various locations across the county. Extra care accommodation for older people over 55, will also include people with learning disabilities, mental health conditions, early onset, and mid-term dementia, and those with a physical and/or sensory disability. There will take a flexible approach where people under 55 will be able to live at the schemes.Nine key locations have been identified for the development of extra care schemes in the next 5 years. These are:• Amble• Hexham*• Prudhoe• Alnwick*• Berwick• Blyth*• Cramlington*• Morpeth• Ponteland*There are 5 sites owned by the Council (*). The Council has completed an initial analysis of demand and suitability at these locations considering:• demand for the schemes• the location of local amenities• access to good and regular public transport links nearby• access to open spaces, communal gardens, and outdoor activities• initial feedback from planning officers regarding the suitability of sites for extra care.The Council will also consider other larger towns in the county, sites put forward by Registered Providers as well as innovative solutions for those people living in more rural parts of the county. Financial support for extra care schemes that meet the strategic objectives set out in the Adult Services Extra Care and Supported Living Strategy 2024 will also be available. In addition, Registered Providers may bid for capital from the Section 106 Affordable Housing S106 Developer Fund. Council would like to invite interested Registered Providers to market engagement meetings in the weeks commencing September 30th and October 7th via Microsoft Teams or in person at County Hall. One and a half hour slots are available at the following dates/times, on a first come first served basis:• 09:00-13:00 October 1st 2024• 13:00-16:00 October 3rd 2024• 09:00-13:00 October 8th 2024• 09:00-11:00 October 10th 2024• 13:00-15:00 October 11th 2024The meetings will review the delivery strategy for the proposed schemes, give an overview of the bid process and the current procurement timeframes. There will be the opportunity for Registered Providers to feedback on the Council’s proposals, draft specification and design guide for extra care schemes. Registered Providers should register their interest via the Council e-tendering portal. Any questions arising from these sessions will be posted via the clarification function. Any information deemed commercially sensitive will not be shared via clarification.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors