Falmouth Marine School project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a commercially available vessel with a number of differing power installation options (diesel, electric, hybrid).
Falmouth Marine School have successfully bid for strategic development funds to undertaken a "De-carbonising a marine vessel" project. The project will result in Falmouth Marine School owning a commercially available vessel with a number of differing power installation options (diesel, electric, hybrid). The intended use of the vessel will allow college staff, their learners and their industry partners to experience the operation of such a vessel, to measure performance of such a vessel and to undertake analysis of the commercial, financial and environmental benefit of each installation option. Requirements: To supply a power-driven vessel of approximately 6 metres overall length and that ancillary equipment as detailed and to assist Falmouth Marine School staff undertake the completion of this project with the result that the School will own a marine vessel that is compliant with relevant legislation (RCD etc) with optional drive systems. This vessel is to have the potential for use as a harbour launch/ work boat or a recreational vessel; the range of use for the vessel is to be within inshore waters such as Falmouth Harbour and the Carrick Roads; or other such inshore waters. The vessel to be compliant with RCD Category C use for a maximum of 8 personnel. The vessel will also require to be used for a wider range of operation in support of all students such as: Watersports - on the water support vessel Marine Science - water sampling, inshore water and beach survey work Boatbuilding - general maintenance work All learners - vessel handling skills (RYA Powerboat level 2 qualification).
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
34500000 - Ships and boats
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors