Family Coaches
The overall scope of this service will be to recruit a network of volunteers to act as Family Coaches, integrated with the Family Hubs model in Kent. Family Coaches will be KCC volunteers, who will be supervised by a KCC Family Hub employee and will be part of a district-based Family Hub team. The provider will work with KCC to recruit a minimum of 144 volunteers (12 per district) and ensure this level of capacity is maintained throughout the contract duration. It is expected that if a volunteer stops volunteering then new volunteers will be recruited to retain a minimum of 144 volunteers. Volunteers must have parenting experience, demonstrate appropriate key skills and competencies (see Section 2.2) and be representative of their local communities. The overall requirement for this service is to: •To undertake volunteer recruitment on behalf of KCC and work in partnership with local Family Hubs district teams to ensure a minimum of 144 volunteer Family Coaches (12 per district) are in place at all times. Family Coaches will operate as KCC volunteers within the wider Family Hubs workforce. Specific requirements include: a) Promotion and Recruitment •To pro-actively promote the opportunity to volunteer as a Family Coach through an appropriate variety of channels across Kent, actively seeking volunteers who will (collectively) be representative of their local communities. This will include exploring new and innovative outreach methods to reach new prospective volunteers, explain the expectations and support available, and address any questions or concerns that they may have about volunteering. •To run the application process for volunteers, including an appropriate shortlisting and interview process, to ensure that prospective volunteers have the required values, competencies and personal attributes to fulfil the role (recognising that training and supervision will support volunteers in gaining the required level of knowledge and skills). •To develop an appropriate role description and volunteer agreement for the Family Coaches, outlining expectations and the support package available, for approval with KCC by March 2024, prior to distribution. This will need to conform with KCC expectations for volunteer roles and have KCC branding. •To co-develop a handbook for Family Coaches as a physical and digital resource to support delivery, containing key information about the role (with content to be approved by KCC).
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
98300000 - Miscellaneous services
Status :
Assign to :
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TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors