Family Hubs Services Lot 1 Family Hubs Core & Family Support provision & Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care provision
Lot 1 Family Hubs Core & Family Support: will offer early years provision, including universal and targeted support, advice and activities, and family support, with a focus on targeting vulnerable families and contributing to priority outcomes. It forms part of a whole system approach to early years provision, working closely with the Authority and other early years partners, as part of the Family Hubs partnership. The service will be delivered from 13 specific sites in Calderdale but also at community venues and as outreach, as well as delivering virtual and digital provisions, to ensure accessibility. The core element must be delivered to children aged under 5 years and their families. There is also an expectation to signpost and facilitate access for families with children aged 0-19 (and up to 25 years for Special Educational Needs &/ Disability (SEND) to the wider Family Hubs network for appropriate support. Lot 2 Family Hubs Day Care: The service will be delivered as part of the wider Family Hubs offer in Calderdale, offering early education and childcare in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. It forms part of a whole system approach to early years provision, working closely in partnership with the Authority and other early years partners. 325 registered places will be delivered across 9 locations in Calderdale, delivering services within the Family Hubs within each location. Although this is a universal provision, there must be a focus for the day care delivery on meeting the needs of vulnerable children and for children eligible for the Government funded childcare and early education entitlements. TUPE applies to this contract and in addition, a number of staff in this contract (Lots 1 and 2) are ex-local authority staff and therefore retained their membership to a Local Government Pension Scheme (see tender documents). A Bidders Event is planned for 10th October 2024 and Site Visits to 2 Family Hubs on 11th October 2024. Separate RSVP forms are included in the tender pack for completion and return to when further details will be sent out to interested parties. Tenderers should complete the RSVP forms if they wish to attend either or both events. The premises used for the Family Hubs are owned by the Authority and leasing arrangements will be put in place for the duration of the contracts for the Lot 1 provider. An Underlease will be used for the Lot 2 provider. Details of the premises in use, costings and lease/underlease documents can be found in the tender pack to download.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
Status :
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Tender Progress :
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Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors