Fareham Renal Dialysis Unit Landscaping Project
This is a contract Award Notice for the landscaping of the area surrounding the new Fareham Dialysis Unit. This includes; • Providing site prelims, fencing, supervision, plant transport and RAMS. Fencing modifications to existing where required. To 'board out' existing footpaths and provide the correct signage to protect the work area from any damage from plant and machinery movement. • Excavating the pond, located and specifications as per the drawing, clearing all spoil away from site. Then using puddling clay to create a waterproof, sealed, and lined pond. • Constructing log piles as per drawings • Completing balance of area not completed during phase 1 when works were halted due to landscaping scope review/changes. Level with topsoil as required post modification works. • Supplying and installing all plants as specified on the plant schedule as per the drawings. • Supplying approx. 95 linear metres of ranch style fencing, to match existing installed, additional to that provided in the initial phase. • To supply and lay wildflower and meadow and grass seed. • Hardstanding/pathway for RO Plant provider, up to 2.5m2, prepare and excavate out area by hand, supply and lay precast concrete slabs or similar, including labour. • Providing a small groundhog welfare unit for up to 4 weeks, including emptying and servicing once a week, cleaning, delivery and collection. • All associated labour to carry out the planting works. • Project management of the works, including coordination of contractors, H&S, programming etc. The landscaping was planned and designed by the Lizard Society to promote various wildlife to repopulate the area after the disruption of the building works, including Slow Worms which are a protected species and were displaced when the building project started.
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Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45112712 - Landscaping work for gardens
45112700 - Landscaping work
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
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Buyer Information
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors