FD - Certificate - Certificate in Skin and Hair knowledge for the Personal Grooming Industry
Image Skillnet is seeking tenders from suitable organisations/ institutions for the development of a new training programme and rollout of pilot programme for a bespoke “Certificate in Skin and Hair knowledge” aimed at the personal grooming industry. The skin is the largest organ in the body and consumers are turning to the personal grooming industry for the solutions on how to care for the skin and scalp as an organ. There is an increased demand for knowledge in the areas of advanced skin care treatments and hair loss. Currently there is limited suitable training solutions available for professionals from the personal grooming industry. Therefore, we are seeking proposals for the development of a bespoke Certificate in Skin and Hair knowledge at a Level 6 and the roll out of a pilot programme for 30 learners. Currently the training programmes available are either at a basic knowledge, or too advanced for the requirements of the personal grooming industry. While hairdressers and beauty therapists do not need to become Trichologists or Dermatologists, they do need more advanced knowledge, particularly as the industry is evolving and product innovations are becoming more advanced. Additionally, our members are often the first people to notice or see a condition such as an unusual mole, or an area of hair loss that needs to be seen by a medical professional. Salon professionals are often involved in sign pointing and encouraging clients to seek advice from a medical professional. While the personal grooming industry has no role in diagnoses of medical conditions, there is a definite role for bringing abnormalities to the awareness of the client and advising on seeking clinic diagnosis. The development of this programme should help to deliver advanced knowledge, it should allow for the delivery of industry services in a confident manner, and it should allow for have a deeper understanding of the variables that professionals should be aware of. The pro
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80430000 - Adult-education services at university level
80000000 - Education and training services
80300000 - Higher education services
Tender Lot Details
1 Tender Lot
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors