Feasibility of a carbon capture and storage (CCS) network
Provide a considered view of the feasibility of a carbon capture and storage (CCS) network in Wales and the infrastructure required. Appraise available reports to consider the most appropriate CO2 sequestration site locations for principal industrial emitters across Wales.Estimate the potential volume of captured CO2 from the principal industrial clusters in Wales over the short to long term and provide an estimate of T&S costs. Consider whether this assessment would require modification in the event of operational changes at principal industrial operations in Wales.Consider which CO2 T&S business model currently being considered by the UK Government would best operate for interested parties in Wales.Develop government and industry understanding of steps required to be ready to develop CO2 T&S at volume in Wales.Calculate opportunities and barriers of undertaking capture and T&S of industrial CO2 in Wales and provide information to identify perceived areas of action or support that should be prioritised.
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1 Possible Competitors