Feasibility studies to assess the usability of local authority or commercial data holdings on disability and/or care.
Overview ONS is seeking to procure a feasibility study on the usability of local authority or commercial data holdings to inform our ambition to create person level data sets, and population statistics on disability and unpaid care for the UK. Little is known about the potential of those data holdings may have to offer to produce statistics on unpaid carers and/or disabled people. This procurement intends to enable a knowledge transfer to aid in the development of strategies to produce high quality and useful official statistics about our population and society that decision makers, businesses and citizens so urgently need. A non-exhaustive list of data sources that can be considered in this exercise include: needs assessment forms, carer's assessments and support plans, data generated via provision of care services, disability support services and grant registrations, continuation of care services, and impairment registration to enable service provision. Objectives We want to commission analysis which results into a feasibility report on the availability and potential of local authority or commercial data holdings to be used in future statistics on the population. The focus of this feasibility assessment is data within the field of disability and unpaid care across the UK. Bids can focus on a feasibility assessment within topic domain A) disability and/or topic domain B) unpaid care. Suppliers can bid for both domain A and B, but bids focused on one topic domain will also be considered. Combinations of topic domains within the bid are encouraged. Across the UK, disability (topic domain A) is defined according to the Equality Act (2010) for Great Britain and the Disability Discrimination Act for Northern Ireland (1995). Administrative datasets may capture disability in various ways. With this feasibility study we want to increase insights into alternative approaches to enable timely and inclusive population estimates on disability.
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors