FEG Electron Microprobe With Enhanced Low Energy Capabilities
Background information on Project The University of Manchester operates two Electron Probe Micro-Analysers (EPMAs); a Cameca SX-100 and a JEOL JXA-8530F. These instruments are used for the quantitative elemental characterisation of a wide range of Earth, planetary, environmental and materials science samples. The University of Manchester has been awarded funding by the Natural Environment Research Council to replace the >25 year old Cameca SX-100 EPMA. Project Overview This project aims to enhance the EPMA facilities at the University of Manchester by replacing the Cameca SX-100 with a new, state-of-the-art Field Emission Gun-equipped Electron Probe Micro-Analyser (FEG-EPMA). This new instrument will offer significantly higher spatial resolution and enhanced quantitative capabilities via the complete integration of both wavelength and energy dispersive spectrometers. In addition, this instrument will also offer enhanced low energy (e.g. <400 eV) and light element emission detection for elements down Z = 5 (boron), with simultaneous detection of low energy X-ray emissions allowing for chemical state investigations (e.g. 3d metals) that requires a spectral resolution of <5 eV. Subject to vendor site surveys, it is intended that this instrument will be housed in the electron microscopy facility in the Nancy Rothwell Building, University of Manchester.
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Tender Regions
North West
CPV Codes
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses).
38600000 - Optical instruments.
38400000 - Instruments for checking physical characteristics.
Tenderbase Categories
Equipments/ Navigation/ Geological/Mesuring/Analyser/Microscope/ Scanner/ Testing
Equipments/ Navigation/ Geological/Mesuring/Analyser/Microscope/ Scanner/ Testing
Equipments/ Navigation/ Geological/Mesuring/Analyser/Microscope/ Scanner/ Testing
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors