Fernhill Younger Adults Extra Care
Fernhill Younger Adults Extra Care Service is a block of 18 one-bedroom flats. The flats were built by Hampshire County Council to accommodate individuals (predominantly with learning disabilities) who would otherwise be supported in registered care settings. The site has a large garden and is home to a number of individuals with varying complex needs including those who can display behaviours which challenge Services. The Service has its own Management Team and due to the size and complexity of the Scheme this is an ongoing requirement for the Service. The Service requires support from an organisation which has extensive experience in supporting individuals with more complex needs including people with a range of learning disabilities, and in running Services which accommodate multiple individuals on one site. The Service has been successful in developing the independence of the individuals living there and most of the residents have lived in their flats for many years. Below is an indication of the range care and support that may be required by individuals living in the Younger Adults Supported Accommodation: From prompting with personal care and daily living activities to full assistance of 1:1 or 2:1 support workers for all personal care and daily living activities, including hoisting and the use of other equipment to support with mobility needs. Communication in a variety of different formats from fully verbal communication, through to the use of Makaton, BSL, and the full range of alternative communication methods such as pictures, symbols, objects of reference, PEC's. From advice and guidance regarding managing and spending money to full support with managing money. Support with managing behaviours which challenge resulting from a person's learning disability, mental health condition, traumatic history, unmet physical health needs, history of poor attachments or changes in medication. From providing advice and guidance about living a healthy lifestyle to full support with all health needs and access to health services. From advice and guidance about Community Activities to providing 1:1 or 2:1 support to access the Community. Use of least restrictive approaches and positive behaviour support, although more direct interventions may be required.
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CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors