Film & Multimedia Workshops - Virtual Heritage Wales, Caerwent Roman Town Project
The First Campus partnership is the South East Wales Reaching Wider initiative and is a partnership of all the Higher Education Institutions, Further Education Colleges in South East Wales. Its purpose is to raise educational achievements; encourage young people to reach their potential and improve awareness of higher education opportunities on their doorstep.The First Campus Project is funded through the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW) and is part of the Reaching Wider initiative launched by the Welsh Assembly Government in 2002.The aim of the project is to engage further with schools and community groups to raise the awareness of progression routes into Higher Education for pupils from disadvantaged areas, and hard to reach groups. In particular highlighting that learning is fun and to plant the idea that university is an option for all.First Campus is now in its thirteenth year of operation and continues to increase higher education participation from groups and disadvantaged communities in Wales by raising aspirations, and creating new study opportunities and learning pathways to higher education. It engages with people of all ages who are currently under-represented in higher education.For further information on the work of the First campus partnership, First Campus project at the University of South Wales wishes to invite tenders for the provision of film and multimedia workshops to young people from Communities First areas across South East Wales.First Campus have secured Heritage Lottery Funding to re-create, as a virtual experience using the latest three dimensional film technology, Roman life in Caerwent Roman Town.Today, Caerwent is a small village, but there is much to remind us of its Roman past. It was a busy, bustling town complete with shops, houses, baths, temples and an impressive civic hall and marketplace. As Caerwent is barely mentioned in Roman literature, archaeologists have had to dig up its remains to discover its history, what it looked like and how its inhabitants lived. The impact of Roman culture is recognisable in the remains at Caerwent and our project seeks an interpretation of the Roman remains and their influence on modern Wales today.The main purpose of the Virtual Heritage Wales – Caerwent Roman Town project is to raise young people’s knowledge across South East Wales about Caerwent Roman Town.The focus of our project will be workshops around the Roman Conquest and Settlement of Wales in relation to the origins and prehistory of Wales. The film workshops will re-create the buildings at Caerwent as a fully immersive three dimensional experience that will enable young people to experience and understand the Caerwent heritage from a new perspective.The Approved Purposes and outcomes have been developed around the Strategic Priorities of Heritage Lottery Fund and First Campus.The funding available from the Heritage Lottery Fund is £27,000.All approved outcomes for the project must be delivered by 31st October 2016.The Approved Purposes include:•Create a virtual app and 3D models of building at Caerwent Roman town•Produce a website and blog•Create short films about the life stories behind artefacts unearthed at Caerwent.•Create a documentary film of the project•Create a virtual art installation to be displayed at the National Museum WalesThe Outcomes include:•6 recruitment and film making workshops•3 workshops to design the interior of the virtual space in accordance with the heritage•Creation of a project website and heritage app•Creation of a documentary film of the participant experienceThe provider must be in a position to deliver film workshops in schools across South East Wales and at the University of South WalesThe workshops will be available to young people between the ages of 10 and 16 years from Communities First areas in South East Wales.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
72400000 - Internet services
80200000 - Secondary education services
72420000 - Internet development services
72421000 - Internet or intranet client application development services
92521100 - Museum-exhibition services
80000000 - Education and training services
80210000 - Technical and vocational secondary education services
92111000 - Motion picture and video production services
92111310 - Entertainment film production
92111250 - Information film production
Status :
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Low Value :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors