Film production for a series of short case study films
Production of an initial 10 three minute films to tell the story of a range of case studies in a different, creative and engaging format. They are to be used across multiple platforms to highlight good practice in land ownership and management and showcase the benefits it can bring. The films will be used for a range of different purposes and aimed at different audiences but it is essential that the films are accessible and easy to understand to a broad audience. We want the films to capture the voices and experiences of real people, in their own places and due to current restrictions it will mainly be filmed by the individuals themselves. Creativity will be required to capture the footage needed. There will be an ongoing programme of work to produce films on an annual basis with approximately 6-8 films a year covering new stories and case studies.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
32354500 - Video films
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors