Final Evaluation for the SPECIFIC2 Project Operation
SPECIFIC2 is a £36.8million operation under the ERDF Investment Priority 1 which is focused on the development of research, technological development and innovation. The operation commenced on 01 September 2015 and will conclude on 31 March 2023. SPECIFIC2 delivers under Specific Objective 1.2 which is to increase the successful translation of research and innovation processes into new or improved commercial products, processes and services, in particular through improved technology transfer from HEIs. The aim of the SPECIFIC2 Operation is to create Active Buildings; generating clean, renewable energy from coatings used in the built environment. This is being achieved by means of the creation of technology demonstrators, leading to industry-led collaborative RD&I, and knowledge exchange with industry to improve the economic prosperity of the Region.The SPECIFIC2 Operation is required to undergo an inception, a mid-term and a final evaluation. The inception and mid-term evaluations have both been completed and the reports will be made available to the successful bidder to aid with the delivery of the final evaluation. It is expected that the final evaluation will address questions that relate to the impact of the intervention as well as reflect on what has worked well, why and how.The SPECIFIC2 team at Swansea University is seeking a professional company/organisation with previous demonstrable experience in conducting project evaluations on similar large projects, in particular ERDF projects to provide the final evaluation
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CPV Codes
79419000 - Evaluation consultancy services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors