Fire Safety Consultations - New Homes
This appointment is to provide fire assessments and consultation services to Bromford. To include but not limited to: •To read and comprehend any fire strategy documents and plan drawings that have been produce for, and on behalf, of the developer. •Prior to submission to the relevant building control authority make comments on the fire strategy in line with best practice and report these comments to the client. •To ensure the fire strategy document is compliant with the building design guidance being adopted for construction e.g. Approved Document B, BS 9991, or BS 9999. •To ensure that during the phases of building that you are influencing the Contractor/Developer to ensure all appropriate industry standard applications, processes and best practice are adhered to, especially- ofire ratings for compartmentation. ofire ratings for compartmentation penetrations. ofire ratings for installation of fire doors, shutters, dampers and smoke control installations. oFire rating and installation of any cavity barriers. •To be able to determine with BHA/BDL and the Contractor/Developer the suitability of any proposed- ofire detection & alarm system, osmoke control system, oemergency lighting system, oautomatic water suppression system, olightning protection system, oexternal wall façade system, odry rising fire main installation. •To ensure that suitable access arrangements by way of inspection hatches are provided to allow for ongoing testing, servicing and maintenance of any building system. •To ensure that suitable photographic records are made of the phases of development including all fire stopping measures which become unseen on completion of works and provided to the client prior to the Practical Completion as defined under the building Contract. •To check on the competency of installers carrying out specialised works. •To refer to a suitable expert in the event of any aspect of work falling outside of the consultant's area of competence. •To liaise with Construction Managers, Project Managers and the Employers Agents to ensure that any identified shortcomings in works are made good to industry best practice. Any defective work should in respect of Fire Safety and adherence to plans ought to be reported to the Employers Agent with photographic evidence and suggestions for remediation copying in the CQM, and Project Manager as well as the wider Project Team of the Developer/Contractor. •To liaise with Bromford's Fire Safety Team of Fire Risk & Compliance Assessors at suitable times to enable a fire risk assessment to be carried out at, or near to, occupation of the building. •To inform Bromford of any changes of legislation that may impact the fire risk assessment outcome before completion of the building.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
75251110 - Fire-prevention services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors