First World War Debates
As part of the Centenary Commemoration Programme of the First World War the Department for Education is inviting proposals to run a series of regional debates for schools in 2016. These are to be focused on elements of the First World War and capable of deepening understanding not only amongst the participants but with a wider reach through use of media. Subjects for debates need to vary and could align to the centenary timetable or perhaps relevant geographical aspects in the area the debate is being held. By March 2017, the contractor should provide a minimum of 25 First World War school debates held across the UK, attended by year 12-13 students. The debates should bring together broadcasters, production companies, historians, teachers and the history subject community to enable pupils to: •Debate the causes, conduct and consequences of the First World War At each debate there should be a panel of First World War experts chaired by a high profile media personality and an audience of pupils and teachers from different schools questioning the panel.
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80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors