Fixed Term Fixed Price Framework for the Supply of Natural Gas & Electricity for Non Half Hourly Metered, Half Hourly Metered and Unmetered Supplies - Y19022
The purpose of this framework is to supply electricity & natural gas to a variety of organisations. The Contracting Authority is seeking solutions which focus on providing excellent service, a desire to improve and developing working partnerships with the Contracting and Participating Authority. 2 Lots - Lot 1 is to provide a framework of Suppliers able to supply electricity & natural gas to a variety of organisations. The Contracting Authority is seeking solutions which focus on providing excellent service, a desire to improve and developing working partnerships with the Contracting and Participating Authority. Lot 2 is to provide a framework of Suppliers who are able to offer Participating Authorities access to matrix or 'pricebook' pricing for fixed term fixed priced contracts.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors