Flame Retardant Scoping Review
Flame retardants (FRs) are extensively usedglobally, howeverin the UKuse is greater than in the rest of Europe because of more stringent fire safety standards for soft furnishings. The properties (e.g. persistence) and diffuse release patterns of various FR types has attracted widespread international interest in theirrisks to theenvironment and human health. Some have been subject to risk management measures under EU programmesand some have also been internationally restricted under the UN Stockholm Convention forPersistent Organic Pollutants(POPs). FRs have also been subject to a detailed inquiry by the Environment Audit Committee (whose report is here).The Environment Agency published a reportin 2003 (which also had an associated database) to summarise existing information on FRs and prioritise them for further investigation of environmental concerns. Now that the UK has left the EU, stakeholders have asked for a renewed focus on this group of substances. The Environment Agency therefore requires its 2003 report to be updated with evidence that has become available since 2003, to establish priorities for further assessment and help Government form a strategic approach for FR substances known to be on the UK market.
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1 Possible Competitors