Flexible Film Isolators.
1.1As an essential component of Medical Research Council (MRC) National Insititue of Medical Research and Cancer Research UK transition to the Francis Crick Institute there is a requirement for 16 x large flexible film isolators to ensure a defined baseline high quality microbiological environment, in time for the opening of the Francis Crick Institute.1.2The primary purpose of the isolators will require them to be used as sterile positive pressure units, however future use may require them to revert to a negative pressure situation.1.3All surfaces and components should be sufficiently robust to withstand daily use and regular decontamination with vaporised hydrogen peroxide (VHP), formalin, peracetic acid or similar decontaminant with no detriment to quality or performance.1.4The contractor will ensure manufacture , supply, deliver, install, test and commission the isolators. Each isolator is to be supplied with a circular 270mm diameter rapid transfer port with interlock comprising of alpha and beta seals and single interlocking handle, 4 x transfer canisters (total x64) and fully equipped with appropriate mouse caging; all being fully compatible with existing systems within the Biological Resources Facility1.5MRC invites tenders for the instrument described in the specification.1.6The expectation is that a Purchase Order will be placed in February/March 2014 for all 16 isolators, the delivery phased according to agreement with the supplier, however the first 4 no later than April 2014.1.7All equipment is to meet specification and performance criteria and is to include within the agreed price the option of any advancements or innovations introduced up to the time of equipment build. If multiple solutions are available for any criteria, these are to be stated in the tender. In the case where criteria cannot be met, it is requested that submissions include what is best achievable.
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1 Possible Competitors