Flexible Working Programme 2023-2025: Flexible Working Ambassador Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and Schools (FWAMS) - Grant Competition
The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting applications from Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and schools to become a grant-funded Flexible Working Ambassador MAT or School (FWAMS). Programme Details: These FWAMS will support the delivery of the DfE's Flexible Working Programme 2023-2025. They will: -recruit schools ('participant schools') and provide one-to-one coaching on implementing flexible working; -provide ad-hoc support and advice to other schools; -create practical resources; -produce awareness-raising content such as blogs and case studies, and; -work with the appointed delivery provider, who will be delivering the Department's culture change programme. The 12 ambassador FWAMS are likely to consist of: -nine appointed on a regional basis, in line with the Regional Director regions, to offer the opportunity of support to MATs and schools across the country; -one dedicated to supporting special schools/settings. Applicants for this role must be a special school/trust. -one dedicated to supporting AP/PRU settings. Applicants for this role must be an Alternative Provision/Pupil Referral Unit; -one to support schools and MATs in areas of high disadvantage. Applicants for this role must have higher-than-average percentages of pupils eligible for the deprivation pupil premium. Grant competition timeline: All queries and clarifications must be submitted via the Jaggaer online message board. Applications need to be submitted by no later than 12:00 noon on 31 March 2023. Programme timeline: If an application is successful, the applicant school will be invited to sign a grant funding agreement lasting for six academic terms. It is anticipated that the appointment of the Flexible Working Ambassador Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools will take place by the end of May 2023. Delivery will be ongoing until March 2025. Funding: Each FWAMS will receive a grant of £10,000 in the first term of operation (Summer 2023) and then £9,000 per term thereafter, to deliver the required activity. Walkthrough event: The DfE will upload a walk through recording to assist applicants in using the Jaggaer system.
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
80000000 - Education and training services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors