Flintshire Disability Day Support Services
Flintshire County Council is seeking to redevelop its Learning Disability Day Services and is currently undertaking a Service Review and extensive consultation exercise with service user’s carers and family members. The Council is seeking an innovative partner to work with in re-designing and co-producing a new model of service provision. As a first step the Council would welcome approaches from Provider’s in Learning Disability Services who have experience of innovative practice or who believe they have creative ideas in relation to new models of daytime support services.So far Flintshire officers and representatives from Flintshire Learning Disability Forum have visited a number of services in England and Wales where there was a Specialist Activity Base/ Hub for individuals with higher support needs as well as provision for other adults with learning disabilities to access a range of training / learning opportunities throughout the day such as social skills, community navigation skills , IT training modules, Healthy life style coaching and education programs, and a range of creative arts programs The Authority would welcome ideas for facilitating social networking ,local volunteering and time banking all as part of the day services model•The new service model will need to provide a safe place for adults with a learning disability and/or autism some of whom will require higher levels of care and support•The service will also need to provide a variety of age appropriate activities to suit adults with a learning disability and/or autism aged 21 to 55 years of age. Such activities will enable people to develop individual potential by promoting independence, choice and control in keeping with the aspirations of the Social Care and wellbeing ActIn addition to a dialogue on the development of support initiatives the Council is keen for providers to indicate if they already have a suitable facility available within Flintshire from which to deliver services or are experienced in the design and construction of such a facilities.The service will be designed to meet the requirements of the Personalization agenda. Personalization in Flintshire is concerned with making services fit around the individual user, enabling people to make decisions, maximizing their life opportunities and giving them choice and control in the way care and support is delivered. As such it is likely that funding streams for the service will from a variety of sources such as the ILF, Direct Payments Provider Managed Direct Payments as well as commissioned by Social Services and partners in Health (BCUHB).It is the vision of Flintshire to work with an organization/organizations that share the Authorities social care values of providing local high quality services, which offer value for money while delivering the outcomes that matter most to those who use our services.The purpose of this notice is to assess Market interest in working with the Authority to develop day service provision and make it fit for the demands of the future. Providers may draw on either direct experience of innovative projects they have been involved in or new models of service they have knowledge of and believe would better meet the needs of individuals with a learning disability in Flintshire.Written Submissions of no more than 1000 words should be made by no later than 4pm on 03/09/2015 via email to Council will acknowledge receipt of all submissions by email only. It will ensure that all submissions are kept confidential and not shared with any third party without express permission. The Council welcomes collaborative proposals and approaches from social enterprises and views this speculative notice as the beginning of a dialogue with Providers in the Care Sector.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
85000000 - Health and social work services
85310000 - Social work services
85300000 - Social work and related services
85320000 - Social services
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors