Floating Offshore Wind - Coatings, Corrosion Protection and Management - ORE22022
The principle aim of the Service is to strengthen the FOW industry's understanding of the theory, methods and drivers in corrosion protection and management of FOW technologies. This will look at all FOW asset within the buried, submerged, splash and atmospheric zones building from the lessons learnt from the fixed offshore wind and oil and gas industry. The project looks to learn from other offshore energy industries before assessing the materials and manufacturing processes in the FOW industry, with respect to coatings, corrosion management and protection. As well as carrying out stakeholder engagement with owner-operators to route cause analyse failure and corrosion initiators finishing with an overview of the current and future corrosion protection methods available to FOW. This will also include an assessment of the design vs real world scenarios of coatings, corrosion protection and management. The tender documents are available for access free of charge at
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CPV Codes
71620000 - Analysis services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors