Floating Support for Vulnerable People with Sensory Impairments
The aim of the Supporting People programme is to assist vulnerable people to achieve or maintain a tenancy or other independent tenure.Floating Support services are designed to support individuals to maintain and develop maximum levels of independence within their accommodation in the community. The support varies in intensity and duration, is responsive to individual needs and accessible throughout all tenure typesThe service is specifically for vulnerable people over the age of 16 who are unable to manage a tenancy or property with assistance for a temporary period of time due to a sensory impairment.This project is intended as short-term provision, it is anticipated individuals will be supported based upon their needs for the time they are in receipt of Housing Related Support services.The funding of the service is dependent upon the continuation of the Welsh Government specific grant, if this funding should be decreased or withdrawn this would be mirrored in the passing over of funding.The term sensory impairment will be used to encompass a number of client groups; including people who are D/deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, blind, and deafblind.The floating support service will be available between the core hours Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm; excluding public holidays, whilst allowing for flexibility to meet individuals’ needs who attend full time education or employment.The provider will comply with existing and new evaluation and monitoring frameworks developed for the service. Compliance with the contract will be assessed through regular monitoring and review of progress.Floating Support Services can be delivered as a complementary part of an overall package of Care with from Social Services but SP do not fund care services.Contract will be based on real costs recovery method. Payment for support will be based on agreed hourly rate.Anticipated contract commence in April 2015,The contract period will be for four years with an option to extend for a further 24 months.There are TUPE implications, please contact for further detailsNOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Sell2Wales Web Site at
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors