FM21259 - Heat Networks Technical Standards Assurance Scheme
Brief Description of the Requirement The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) want to develop standardised quality assurance processes that will provide demonstration of compliance to relevant standards and plausible performance data about heat networks. Such processes will provide Ofgem with a means to establish compliance with mandated standards, improved data about heat network performance and improve accountability for parties involved in heat networks design, build, operation and maintenance. Bidders are to review the Market Engagement Notice attachment for further details of this requirements. Supplier Engagement Session The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, alongside UK Shared Business Services Limited, will be hosting a Microsoft Teams meeting to further discuss this requirement. This Early Engagement Notice is being issued in order to undertake market consultation exercise with regards to the current view of requirements detailed above and in the Market Engagement Notice document. Please note it is the intention to advertise this requirement via CCS RM3824 Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets DPS, please refer to the Market Engagement Notice attachment for further details of the Lot and filter options selected. The supplier engagement session is due to take place W/C 25th April 2022 via Microsoft Teams. The date and timing of the supplier engagement session is still to be confirmed however we anticipate the session will take place in the afternoon. The supplier engagement will last approximately 60 minutes. If you believe this will be of interest to you and your organisation, please register your interest by providing the following information to, marking the email FTO Jacob Morris and referencing our unique reference number FM21259. Please note attendance is restricted to 3 individuals per supplier. - Attendee(s) Name - Attendee(s) Email Address - Organisation Name - Confirm whether you are already a member of the HELGA DPS By registering and attending you will be engaging in non-competitive dialogue which will enable BEIS to develop and assess the market's appetite, concerns and views on formulation of its requirements. BEIS may consider the information and responses received as part of the preliminary market consultant to help inform the specification and further decision making in relation to the planning and conduct of the proposed procurement, ensuring all valid options are considered. Any information supplied as part of preliminary market consultation shall not place any supplier at an advantage in a potential procurement process.
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Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors