Fobney Building Removal - Expression of Interest
The Environment Agency owns the site in Fobney, Reading, which after serious flooding 4 years ago, was closed due to the damage. The construction phase will consist of demolition of 5 existing buildings down to top of slab and clear all demolition arisings (waste) from site, this will be the main building and four other sub buildings/sheds labelled A,B,C,D (please see site plan). Building A is a workshop, B is a garage/store, C is a small lab and D is an old shed. The other building on site is a pump house that is a listed building so must not be knocked down. A demolition and refurbishment asbestos survey has been completed and dated 29/03/17. The results show the site as low risk but there is some asbestos containing materials on site that the contractor must know about as they may need someone with expertise to remove these materials. There are 10 large ponds on site that are also a health and safety risk for public if possible once demolition has been completed and if there is budget left over we would like the pond area made safe, were are open to ideas on how this will be completed. To be able to carry out the works suppliers will need to be able to evidence compliance with all qualifications under the Environment Agency's Safety Health & Environment (SHE) Code of Practice, a licence for the removal of asbestos and accreditation to the National Association for Demolition Contractors (NADC) Project delivery by: Planned to have project finished by the end of October if we are advised we will need longer then we can make adjustments. Key Skills: Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Control Automation (MEICA) technical knowledge. Please confirm whether or not you wish to be tender included in the list by 21st July 2017 by submitting your response, through Bravo, to the Commercial Lead by the above deadline.
Published Date :
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45110000 - Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
45111100 - Demolition work
Status :
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Attachments :
Buyer Information
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors