Food Standards Agency — FS102127 A systematic literature review to assess the significance of the fo
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major public health issue and a food safety concern worldwide. However, there is uncertainty around the contribution food makes to the problem of AMR and in communication to consumers in relation to this issue and food. Significant evidence gaps include the contribution of different foods of both animal and non-animal origin, food handlers in the processing and caterings settings and also the relative importance of antimicrobial resistant microorganisms in foods imported into the UK as opposed to food produced domestically. Further information is also needed on the movement of resistance genes throughout the food chain. We are proposing to address these gaps by commissioning a systematic review of the available literature (including international papers) to assess the significance of the food chain in the context of AMR. This work links into the objective of the FSA in carrying out its functions to protect public health from risks which may arise in connection with the consumption of food (including risks caused by the way in which it is produced or supplied) and otherwise to protect the interests of consumers in relation to food. This information will be used to underpin the development of future work on AMR and/or implement interventions to reduce AMR in the food chain. The review may also give us an initial indication of how the food supply chain interacts with other transmission pathways (such as humans, animals and the environment) in promoting the development of AMR. This will allow us to target and prioritise our interventions appropriately to minimise resistance. This was identified as an evidence gap within the UK 5-year cross-Government Strategy on AMR which was published in 2013.
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