Food Standards Agency — FS102079 Desk-based study on bacteriophages in foods.
Bacteriophages are viruses that can kill specific bacteria and therefore they can be used to reduce microbiological contamination of foods e.g. to reduce Listeria on fish, cooked meat products or vegetables. The aim of the project is to produce a comprehensive report on the potential use of bacteriophages on a range of foods. The aim of this desk-based study is to gather and assess information on the potential use of bacteriophages, which is a new emerging area of work. Overall the project links to the FSA Strategy outcome “Food produced or sold in the UK is safe to eat”, more specifically the priority on horizon scanning. The project also links into the FSA's Science and Evidence Strategy priority activity theme “Identifying and obtaining the information we need” since the outcomes of the project may be taken into account when developing UK policy on bacteriophages. This project falls under the additives sub-programme as the use of bacteriophages may fall within the scope of the definition of a food additive or a processing aid. The aim of the additives sub-programme (which is part of the chemical safety programme) is to provide information to ensure the use of food additives, processing aids, flavourings and food enzymes does not prejudice food safety. Information and evidence is also required to underpin policy work in these areas.
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