
Food Standards Agency - National Reference Laboratory (NRL) for mycotoxins in feed and food.


The provision of services for the UK National Reference Laboratories for mycotoxins in feed and food. Scope of Services to be provided basic duties of the National Reference Laboratories according to Article 33 of Reg (EC) 882/2004 are: a) to collaborate with the European Union Reference Laboratories (EU-RLs) in their area of competence including participation in activities organised by the EURL; b) to co-ordinate, for their area of competence, the activities of official laboratories responsible for the analysis of samples in accordance with Article 11; c) where appropriate, organise comparative tests between the official laboratories and ensure an appropriate follow-up of such comparative testing; d) to ensure the dissemination to the Competent Authority and official national laboratories of information that the EU-RL supplies; e) to provide scientific and technical assistance to the Competent Authority for the implementation of co-ordinated control plans adopted in accordance with Article 53;f) to be responsible for carrying out other specific duties provided for in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 62(3), without prejudice to existing additional national duties. The laboratory will be required to:— provide staff with a high level of scientific expertise and experience in the area of Official Control and to have access to laboratory facilities as necessary; — provide impartial expert advice to the Agency as requested; — provide impartial expert advice and guidance to OCLs and other relevant laboratories, including comprehensive advice and guidance on methodology and relevant sampling and analysis legislation;— have links with OCLs and other relevant laboratories to enable dissemination and exchange of information; — be familiar with the enforcement system in operation in the UK; — maintain a list of the accreditation for the relevant OCLs; — have experience of, and be able to operate in accordance with, the relevant sampling and analysis legislation, including maintaining specific UKAS accreditation (or equivalent) for the relevant analytes, and satisfactory performance in proficiency test schemes; — where appropriate undertake standardisation (e.g. CEN, ISO etc) activities on behalf of the Agency. The duties of the NRL are grouped according to its core functions as follows: A. Secretariat services:a) Disseminating information/advice supplied by the EURL and its working groups to the FSA, OCLs and other relevant laboratories in a timely and effective manner. b) Co-ordinating the activities of OCLs and other relevant laboratories in food in relation to the core functions described below. c) Creating and maintaining an efficient two-way channel of communication with OCLs and relevant laboratories and the EURL, including disseminating information on analytical methods and EU Regulations to OCLs and feedback of comments from OCLs to the EURL. d) Providing regular updates to the FSA on NRL activities, and up-to-date information on UK OCLs and other relevant laboratories to the FSA as requested. e) Creation and maintenance of a dedicated website for communication of the work of the NRL including provision of advice and support to OCLs, information on methods of analyses, SOPs, latest developments and other background information. B. Advice and representation within the UK/EU:a) Providing impartial expert advice as requested to the FSA, OCLs and other relevant laboratories on analytical methodology in the context of Official Controls. b) Representing the UK at relevant EURL meetings, and its working-groups, consulting the FSA on objectives and requirements before each meeting and providing the FSA with an internal report of the meeting within two weeks of each meeting. c) Participating in activities organised by the EURL and contributing to the scientific input at EURL meetings and in manner which supports UK policy based on best available scientific knowledge. d) Advising the FSA, OCLs and other relevant laboratories on best scientific practice in testing for Official Controls and undertaking activities in consultation with the FSA that facilitate and promote their application in the UK within the policy aims of the FSA. e) Keeping abreast of and advising the FSA, OCLs and other relevant laboratories of developments for the sampling, testing and detection of analytes. f) Identifying and informing the FSA, OCLs and other relevant laboratories of emerging analytical issues or developments at a national, European or international level and recommending action to address them. g) Where appropriate, undertake standardisation (e.g. CEN, ISO, etc) activities on behalf of the Agency. C. Production of standard operating procedures, codes of practice and guidance documents: a) Contributing to the development of standardised operating procedures, relevant codes of practice and guidance documents for use by OCLs and other relevant laboratories, as requested by the FSA. D. Compliance assessment via audits and ring trials:a) Ensuring consistency and quality of testing approaches applied by UK OCLs and other relevant laboratories, including advising on corrective action following adverse reports on OCLs from UKAS; b) Planning proficiency tests for UK OCLs and other relevant laboratories as appropriate (taking into account the number of relevant laboratories), analysing and evaluating the outcome, informing the FSA and OCLs of the results and advising on further action; c) Coordinating the participation of UK OCLs and other relevant laboratories in EURL method validation studies and other initiatives, informing the FSA, EURL and OCLs of the results and advising on further action. d) Participating in proficiency tests and method validation studies organised by the EURL, informing the FSA of the results and implementing any corrective measures required; e) Co-ordinating training exercises to promote best laboratory practice in respect of analysis. E. Co-ordination within the UK of EURL initiatives:a) Co-ordinating the implementation of EURL recommendations related to the standardisation of testing methods across the EU. F. Communication of results and data use:a) The Contractor shall ensure that the FSA receives regular updates of any developments related to the core functions of the NRL. b) The Contractor shall notify the FSA immediately by email of any deviations which may affect the specifications and timing of the annual work programme. c) The Contractor shall notify the FSA immediately by email of any unusual occurrences resulting from any of the core functions of the NRL. d) If requested, the Contractor shall provide interim reports during the annual work programme. e) Any results or reports arising from the work of the NRL will not be communicated to any external parties without the written permission of the FSA. f) The use of the data for presentations and/or papers will not be permitted unless written permission has been sought and given by the FSA. g) The Contractor will maintain records for a period of 3 years from the end of the Contract. h) In other work related to the core functions of the NRL the specified deadlines agreed between the FSA and the Contractor should be met. i) If necessary, at the end of the Contract all information and data gained from, and required for, NRL function over the course of the Contract will be handed over to the FSA. This will include assisting with transfer of archived reference materials. j) If required, provide an internal report of meetings with other organisations (such as Official Control Laboratories, the EU-RL and ENGL) within 10 working days.


Published Date :

4th Jul 2013 11 years ago

Deadline :


Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

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Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

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Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors