
For the provision of an Integrated Community Equipment Service including Minor Adaptations within the City of Derby


Tenders are invited for the supply of Integrated Community Equipment Services in respect of Derby City Council in partnership with Southern Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group. All Customers of the Service will have been assessed by a Prescriber from either the Council or a Partner Agency as requiring assistance that will either aid them in their recovery from medical treatment or enable them to develop, maintain and improve their independence and quality of life. The Service other than any retail Services, will be provided solely to Customers residing within the Derby City local authority boundary or in line with the cross boundary agreement for the hospitals. Minor Adaptations to a person’s property are done under section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Person’s Act 1970, which, gives local authorities a duty to arrange for one or all of a wide range of services where they are satisfied that they are necessary to meet the needs of permanently disabled persons resident in their area. This includes “the provision of assistance for that person in arranging for the carrying out of any works of adaptation in his/her home or the provision of any additional facilities designed to secure his/her greater safety, comfort or convenience.” Provision for minor adaptations can be found within Lot 2 only. The tender is in two lots: Lot 1 – Provision of equipment A cost effective and comprehensive Customer centred Equipment delivery Service solely to Customers residing within the Derby City local authority boundary that have been assessed by designated employees (Prescribers) from either the Health Service or the Council. Following an assessment. The aim of the service is to optimise the Customers health, wellbeing and independence. The annual budget for Lot 1 is £2,130,000 Lot 2 – Provision of equipment and minor adaptations Provision of Equipment as per Lot 1 above. Lot 2 also includes Minor Adaptations The annual budget for Lot 2 is £2,400,000 Tenderers may submit a bid for either Lot 1 and/or Lot 2. The two lots are mutually exclusive and the Council will award either Lot 1 or Lot 2. In addition, the Council reserves the right to not award any Lot. Each Lot will be evaluated separately in line with the evaluation criteria published within the invitation to tender document. At this stage, the Council has not ascertained if Lot 1 or Lot 2 is the preferred model of delivery. However, it is anticipated that if a suitable bid is received for Lot 2 of acceptable quality and within budget then the Council will proceed with Lot 2 and Lot 1 will be redundant. For the avoidance of doubt, the winning bid for Lot 1 may not be the bid that is ultimately accepted in the event that there is a preferable submission for Lot 2. The initial contract period is 3 years; the contract is estimated to commence 1st July 2016 and expire on 30th June 2019. There is an option to extend for an additional 2 years (1+1).


Published Date :

21st Oct 2015 9 years ago

Deadline :

7th Dec 2015 9 years ago

Tender Awarded :

1 Supplier

Awarded date :

24th Feb 2016

Contract Start :

1st Jul 2016

Contract End :

30th Jun 2019

Tender Regions

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Status :


Assign to :

Tender Progress :



Notice Type :

Open opportunity

Tender Identifier :

IT-378-246-T: 2024 - 001

TenderBase ID :


Low Value :


High Value :


Region :

North Region

Attachments :

Buyer Information

Address :

Liverpool Merseyside , Merseyside , L13 0BQ

Website :


Procurement Contact

Name :

Tina Smith

Designation :

Chief Executive Officer

Phone :

0151 252 3243

Email :

Possible Competitors

1 Possible Competitors