For the provision of NHS National Primary Care Staff Survey - Feasibility Study
The ambition is for an NHS Primary Care Staff Survey which is methodologically sound and provides a data set down to Primary Care Network (PCN) level (at least) which would have an equivalent level of data quality to the current NHS Staff Survey and could be used for similar purposes. NHS England and NHS Improvement is inviting interested parties to conduct a feasibility study into the options for developing a national staff survey for NHS staff working in Primary Care, to help us to understand whether such a survey is possible and if so, how far it can go in meeting the above ambition, and how it would work in practice. The requirements of this work are: - To establish whether the above ambition is feasible, and to identify the mechanics by which it would be achieved, including possible timescales. - If it is not currently feasible, what would need to be put in place in order to make it so, and which other options would enable us to understand staff experience in Primary Care; the limitations of these alternative options and what caveats would need to sit alongside any published data.
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1 Possible Competitors