For the Supply of a Polychromatic Flow Cytometric Cell Sorter
A polychromatic (>5 colour) flowcytometric (PFC) cell sorter is required. Features should include high-speed (up to 70,000 sort decisions per second), up to4-way sorting, custom sorting (and cooling) into multi-well plate formats and 5-decade dynamic range photomultiplier tubes. Under standard operating conditions(25,000 events per second), we will require simultaneous sorting of upo four separate cell populations with a purity of >98% and a yield of >80%. Upgradability is essential, allowing for additional lasers (in particular, UV)
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
33124100 - Diagnostic devices
38540000 - Machines and apparatus for testing and measuring
38434510 - Cytometers
33124110 - Diagnostic systems
38430000 - Detection and analysis apparatus
Status :
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Procurement Contact
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors