For the supply of retailer in-store observational ‘Country of Origin and Quality Mark’ audits for red meat products
In 2010 AHDB MI, through the services of an external research provider, introduced an in-store observational audit for pork (PORK WATCH), and an in-store observational audit for beef and lamb (BEEF AND LAMB WATCH). Over the past four years, these audits have been conducted at time critical periods throughout the calendar year across a sample of 150 stores stratified by region and store size. The total sample has remained consistent across collections, though the specific location of stores remained confidential to the external research provider and is not known to AHDB. Historically, the collections and reporting schedules have been consolidated for Beef & Lamb products, with Pork products completed to a different schedule and with altered reporting requirements. Going forward, AHDB wishes to look at ways in which the information reported can be enhanced. For example, by also recording the store position for each product (aisle, gondola end) and distinguishing between branded and private-label products. AHDB would like prospective suppliers to consider whether or not there is capacity to improve the fieldwork efficiency across the two audits. For example by combining or re-configuring the data collection schedules for Pork, Beef and Lamb products, while adhering to similar reporting intervals.
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79310000 - Market research services
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1 Possible Competitors