For Transparency Purposes Only - Provision of Accreditation for Artificer Training at MOD Lyneham for the Period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020 with a Further Option Period of up to 2 Years
Education and training services. The role of the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) is to support equipment capability in the Army and REME artificers play a key role in delivering day-to-day support to the Army's equipment fleets, both in barracks and, critically, on operations. In addition, REME artificers are employed in planning posts aimed at improving both equipment capability and availability to the User. The Authority requires a single Higher Education (HE) provider to accredit the Electronic, Avionic & Aircraft REME Artificer Training Streams to the industry standard, with named pathways for each of the 3 engineering disciplines. The new accrediting body will be required to review course content, teaching processes, validation, Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) and Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL). The resultant accreditation is desired to achieve a level similar to that currently awarded in science or engineering although, as a minimum requirement, a Level 5 qualification to Foundation Degree must be realised. Ultimately it must allow all Artificers to be able to apply for professional registration as Incorporated Engineers with the Engineering Council. The full accreditation must be in place by no later than 1 April 2017 in orders to provide the resultant single award to Artificers on completion of their Artificer course which is likely to be 18 - 21 months later. The HE Provider must be capable of working with the School staff; a mixture of military, civil servant and MOD Contractors and be flexible enough to deal with the way in which the training is already being delivered. The Site for the delivery of all services is DSEME, MOD Lyneham. DSEME, MOD Lyneham is sited at The Prince Phillip Barracks, MOD Lyneham, Wiltshire, SN15 4XX.
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80000000 - Education and training services
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1 Possible Competitors