Forth Road Bridge – Main Cable Internal Inspection 2025
The Forth Road Bridge is a suspension bridge with a 1006m main span and equal side spans of 408 m and carries a dual 2-lane carriageway and two 4.5m wide foot/cycle ways over the Firth of Forth between Fife and West Lothian. The bridge opened in 1964.The main suspension cables are approximately 600 mm diameter and the angle of the main cable varies along its length. The existing main cable wire is made up of 11,618 high tensile steel wires, 4.98mm in diameter. The cable bands support the deck via the hanger cables.The works include the provision of all temporary, proprietary and permanent works required to enable internal inspections of the selected main cable panels.In delivering the works the SubContractor shall provide all labour, Contractor’s equipment, materials, supervision and management including the alteration and subsequent testing of two existing high level platforms and refurbishment of the main cable compacting and wrapping machines.The internal inspection of the main cables requires the removal of elastomeric wrap and the 3.78 mm diameter wrapping wire, inserting wedges into the exposed main cable to examine the internal wire condition, removing main cable wires for testing, repairing any wire breakages found during the inspection, re-compacting the exposed section of the main cable, reinstating the wire wrapping and installation of the elastomeric wrap over the wrapping wire.In addition, the SubContractor shall be responsible for removal, reinstatement and recommissioning of a dehumidification equipment (sleeves etc.) and reinstatement of any damage to the acoustic monitoring system.The project has an estimated value of 2,000.000GBP
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
45221000 - Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways.
44212120 - Structures of bridges.
45221115 - Construction work for steel bridges.
45233100 - Construction work for highways, roads.
45233141 - Road-maintenance works.
43321000 - Bridge-suspension equipment.
45233124 - Trunk road construction work.
45200000 - Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work.
45221100 - Construction work for bridges.
45221111 - Road bridge construction work.
Tenderbase Categories
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport / Warehouses and Industrial Buildings
Building Materials/Structures/ Road Construction Materials/ Building Fittings/ Wood Materials /Doors and Windows/Rods and Bars/ Stone for Construction
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport / Warehouses and Industrial Buildings
Engineering/ Waste Management/ Pipelines / Telephone and Communication Line/ Roads and Highways/ Railways and Cable Transport/Water Project
Engineering/ Waste Management/ Pipelines / Telephone and Communication Line/ Roads and Highways/ Railways and Cable Transport/Water Project
Mining/ Machinery/Demolition and Earthmoving/ Metallurgy Machinery/ Civil Engineering Machinery
Engineering/ Waste Management/ Pipelines / Telephone and Communication Line/ Roads and Highways/ Railways and Cable Transport/Water Project
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport / Warehouses and Industrial Buildings
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport / Warehouses and Industrial Buildings
Construction/ Reclamation/ Building Construction/ Leisure Facilities/ Transport / Warehouses and Industrial Buildings
Status :
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors