Foundation Phase Training Modules 2021
Introduced in 2010, the Foundation Phase is the statutory curriculum for 3-7 year olds in Wales. Itencourages children to be creative and imaginative, making learning more enjoyable and effective whileaddressing their developmental needs. Foundation Phase education is delivered in schools across the age range, and for many 3 and 4 year old children in around 550 funded non-maintained childcare settings which are supported in delivering quality early education by – broadly – Early Years Advisory Teachers employed by local authorities.Curriculum for Wales guidance for schools was published in January 2020. This will enable schools todevelop curricula in time for legal implementation in autumn 2022. Further guidance is currently beingdeveloped by the Welsh Government, co-constructing with stakeholders, to address the rapid developmentneeds of 3 and 4 year old learners in schools and a curriculum – building on the Curriculum for Walesguidance – for funded non-maintained childcare settings.Background to resourcesDeveloped between 2007 and 2012, the Foundation Phase National Training Pack (‘the pack’) was designedo support early years practitioners to embed Foundation Phase pedagogy and principles. The existing packincluded a handbook; CD and activities for each module:1 - An introduction to the Foundation Phase2 - Child development3 - Observing, recording and reporting4 - Play & active learning5 – Additional Learning Needs6 - Outdoor learning7 - Leadership for learning8 - TransitionAlongside the modules supplementary support materials were also developed:• Learning and teaching pedagogy• Observing children• Play: active learning and overview for 3-7 year olds• Year 1 & 2 planning guidanceEarly work with stakeholders suggests there is considerable value in strengthening and updating theseresources to support Foundation Phase pedagogical practice in the new curriculum, and further discussionsare taking place to identify which of these resources will be critical in that context.The project comprises the development of high quality, Welsh and English resources to support existing Foundation Phase pedagogical principles in Curriculum for Wales for learners up to the age of 7, who might receive their education in schools or funded non-maintained childcare settings. The resources will be designed to support the delivery of remote, asynchronous learning and will be made available to practitioners, free to access, via the Welsh Government’s Hwb platform or for personal learning.
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80000000 - Education and training services
80500000 - Training services
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