Framework Agreement for the Manufacture, Delivery and Assembly on site of Beach Huts on behalf of Cornwall Council and other nominated organisations
This tender opportunity relates to the Council’s preferred option to appoint a single Contractor for the potential manufacture (to a pre-determined design), and the supply and assembly on site of up to circa 450 beach huts across Cornwall. The initial planned requirement is for 203 new beach huts at Bude, Cornwall to be fully installed and operational by July 2016. However, the Council may, at its dsicretion, decide to appoint more than one manufacturer to the framework agreement, depending upon key factors such as the demonstrable capabilities and capacity of the bidders’ proposals and cost effectiveness etc. A further, circa 250 beach huts, are likely to be required throughout Cornwall over the course of the proposed 4 year framework agreement. The Council anticipates calling off approximately 20 standard huts, of varying dimensions, i.e. small, medium and large varieties, per month from September 2015 to meet the requirement for 203 to have been installed at Bude by July 2016. Please note: The potential estimated total value of expenditure attributable to the Framework Agreement may exceed the range indicated above, especially if any of the other eligible contracting authorities, as outlined within the ITT, decide to participate to any great extent. A Provider Information Event in Bude, has been scheduled to commence at 10 am on WEDNESDAY 3rd JUNE, 2015 is likely to last for a couple of hours or so. Attendance is strongly advised but not mandatory and any contractors unable to be in attendance will also be provided in writing with any information or questions raised and answers given on the day, to ensure all parties have the same information to base their tender submissions upon and avoid any confusion or misunderstandings etc. The venue for this event is the Council Chamber, which is part of Bude-Stratton Town Council’s building: The Parkhouse Centre Ergue-Gaberic Way Bude Cornwall EX23 8LD Tel: 01288 353576 Please note: parking is fairly limited at the Centre so you are advised to park at the large Council Car Park, which is located nearby. Please can you confirm if you are likely to attend this event by e-mail to the address below although please note at this moment in time we are restricting attendance to only 2 persons per organisation but we may be able to relax that proviso, once we have a better idea on the proposed levels of attendance. If you are unable to attend at the last minute or unavoidably detained, please advise Steve, via any of the following means, as soon as possible: Telephone: 01209 614332 Mobile: 07970 565121 Email: Please note: this tender opportunity is also being advertised on the Tenders in Cornwall website and via the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) for the same duration and all of the documentation required should be freely downloadable from this website and/or the Tenders in Cornwall website.
Published Date :
Deadline :
Tender Awarded :
Awarded date :
Contract Start :
Contract End :
Tender Regions
Status :
Assign to :
Tender Progress :
Notice Type :
Tender Identifier :
TenderBase ID :
Low Value :
High Value :
Region :
Attachments :
Buyer Information
Address :
Website :
Procurement Contact
Name :
Designation :
Phone :
Email :
Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors