Framework Agreement for the Provision of Estates Sustainability Solutions
The Contracting Authority has awarded a framework agreement for the provision of estates sustainability solutions.The framework agreement offers industry-specific opportunities for climate action, whilst building resilience to climate change, to enable the continuation of the delivery of healthcare services. The opportunities the agreement offers for healthcare which, in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, represents the coming together of subject matter expertise, societal demands and climate action to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and future proof path to economic growth, health and well-being to support strategic initiatives of high impact for the benefit of business, people and the planet.The agreement comprises the following 16 service lines:1 Environmental Consultancy2A Sustainable Insulation2B Natural Ventilation2C Energy Efficient Windows and Doors2D Heat Pumps/Passive Cooling Systems2E Combined Heat and Power Systems2F Rainwater Harvesting2G Energy & Water Efficient Appliances2H Energy-Efficient Lighting Systems2I Solar Shading/Canopy Cover2J Solar Film3A Solar Power Generation and Storage4A Living Walls4B Rainwater Gardens4C Green Roof Spaces4D Wellbeing Green Spaces
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Tender Regions
CPV Codes
90700000 - Environmental services
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Possible Competitors
1 Possible Competitors